Back in Mainz again on the 3 April. It was the nicest and warmest April I ever experienced before. I just felt as though I was in Paradise. This year the Easter Days were all one of the most beautiful and warm period. I had lovely Easter Days. On Saturday I went to bed early because I had to get up at 4.30 in the morning.
Dawn on Easter Sunday started off with the traditional Easter Bonfire at St. bernard church. I brought some rolls, homemade cake, ham, cheese and dips for our Easter Breakfast. People start to contemplate around the bonfire and the ushers distributed candles. Silently we walked into the church to start the East Night mass.
This was a silent, contemplative mass without singing and organ. It was heartfelt, as around 7.30 in the morning all the lights went on and the organ and choir played festive Easter Music. After the mass people greeted me as I just came back from Indonesia and Australia. We enjoyed our Easter Breakfast very much.
The annual Internal Medicine Congress in Wiesbaden
This took place one week after my arrival. Still jetlagging and recovering from my stae 1 Dengue Fever, I decided to register because it was free for members. St. Peter was equally friendly to us internists. We had the most beautiful weather since years. I met old and made new friends, learnt a lot about several types of travel diarrhoea along with recent research on many different medical conditions.
They gave out free coffee and food as usual, fruit juices, heaps of chocolates and plenty of presents such as computer lamps etc. I just smiled for an hour to see all those doctors behaving exactly like rickshaw drivers on an Indonesian market. Doctors are just ordinary huma beings, they push and bitch just like everybody else when it comes to free food and presents:-))) This year we were invited by the City of Wiesbaden to attend Mozart's Don Giovanni. Beautiful music like always but unfortunately I couldn't be impressed too much by the modern version.
I organised a picnic on the Neroberg Wiesbaden. What a memorable day and heaps of new friends! We had so many people from Mainz, Wiesbaden and Frankfurt joining! Some just indulged themselves in the sun or reading a book, some went to the natural climbing park and quite a few of us starting to play the games that Karen und Collin brought.There were other gatherings that I attended among others a lovely BBQ party at Lauren's place in Darmstadt. Martine visited us from Belgium and a few people from Darmstadt arranged a picnic in the Herrengarten. Ele from Wiesbaden invited us to her birthday BBQ and I hope we will have plenty of meetings to spread the cS spirit or whatever this may be!!
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