One very special feature of my couch is its location in the middle of the beautiful farming area. Not only that you can experience it straight behind my house, but you can also observe the fresh strawberries, sugarbeet plants, potato, corn and what fields. On a clear day you will have a full view of the Hunsrück mountains just a few seconds after arriving my front door.
Look at this website and apologies in advance if there is no English translation:
The municipal government is going to build a multipurpose sporting stadium in the middle of the most fertile farming area in GERMANY!!! Not only that many people are going to lose a nearby recreation area, but the years-long organic fields have to make way for this totally unuseful stadium. And not to speak about the noise from drunken soccer fans and endangered safety.
If you look at the photo on the website, you are not going to have the view of the mountains anymore. The photo shows the STADIUM and at the moment we can just imagine these drunken yahoos trampling our field. This project will cost the taxpayers a lot and it is hard to see whether it will bring back enough money to us!!!!
Soraya - thanks a lot for this useful - if somewhat scary!!! - information! I will subscribe the campagne newsletter and hopefully we can still prevent the destruction of the farmland - and quality of living!!!